Monday, December 11, 2006

"Thanks for a wonderful interview. Congratulations on your show! You are fantastic. I enjoyed speaking with you and I can see you are all heart.Annie Jennings, the PR Queen with all heart.

I am happy to say my internet radio show interview with Annie was great. Listen
to it yourself to learn new ways to understand big concepts, such as Give
in Order to Get. This universal law
is hard to grasp but Annie nailed it.
Let me know what you think about Annie
Jennings interview
and any of the other online radio shows in the library.

Listen to Georgia Jones the internet
audio pioneer and producer of "Live at the Edge"
. Hear her share
her personal discoveries and her vision for a better world. Hear me, Doris Jeanette get more goose bumps when shares her global vision. This is what my show is all about, more goose bumps for you and me.

If you are a man or woman or teen looking for relationship advice help check
out the web site Learn to Open
Your Heart.

Visit Enjoy Life for an
article offering Tips for Singles
for the Holidays.

To read great adventures in Maine
and sense more love for Mother Earth
, check this out.

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
licensed psychologist
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Center for Holistic Psychology
Call: 215-732-6197