Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doris Jeanette Interviews Violet Mendoza Director of No Boundaries

In 2006, Violet Mendoza wrote and developed the script that became No Boundaries. No Boundaries is a sweet love story with touching moments in Nature and a real live look at how Americans treat illegal people in Philadelphia. Wow, what an eye opener.

Hear an interesting discussion between Dr. Jeanette and Violet Mendoza about love, strong women and kindness. Click here: http://www.moosemeals.com/edge-library.htm

Just think how mean and nasty the Puritans treated the Native Americans after the Indians helped them survive by planting corn for them instead of killing. And now white man still gets away with being mean and nasty to those who set foot on this land.

No Boundaries is an official selection of Philadelphia CineFest 2009, Nashville Film Festival and White Sands International Film Festival. Find out more at www.NoBoundariesTheMovie.com

Follow DorisJeanette on twitter: http://twitter.com/DorisJeanette

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Doris Jeanette Interviews Author Gloria Lintermans

Gloria Lintermans is one of the most lovely, gracious people I have met in a very long time. Her energy reminds me of Grace Kelly who grew up here in Philadelphia. I ride by her old house in the spring because it is so full of color and grace.

Please listen to Gloria and I talk about how to grieve so you feel your loss and move on to become a stronger person. Buy her books when you need them and tell others about them: THE HEALING POWER OF GRIEF: The Journey Through Loss to Life and Laughter and THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE: Transcending the Loss of a Spouse to New Love http://www.GloriaLintermans.com

Gloria Lintermans books help you get through the pain and hurt just like my Opening the Heart audio. http://www.drjeanette.com/tapes.html. You need something to hold on to when you go to bed at night. Gloria's book and Opening the Heart are there to comfort you and stay with you through the hard and difficult moments. Use them and do not feel alone in your sorrow.
Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
licensed psychologist
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Center for Holistic Psychology
Call: 215-732-6197