Seriously, do you listen to or follow or even notice your soul as you go though your day? The first time I tried to access my soul, I was over whelmed with its beauty and power. Took me years to get close to its magic and accept its powers. Honestly, I still do not accept its powers.
The first time someone mentioned to me that my soul picked my parents. I was a bit skeptical. "Really?' I thought. For more of my thoughts on this subject read The Vibrant Moment post.
For more ideas about your karma and soul, parents and emotional healing, listen to Djuna Wojton, author of Karmic Healing and I talk about these issues at "Live at the Edge," internet radio at its best.
Djuna interviewed me back in the 1980's in Philadelphia, on her radio show at WXPN at the University of Pennsylvania. I was exploring new, holistic psychology ways to heal myself and others. She was one of the few people interested in what I was up to...
Doris Jeanette, copyright, January 19, 2007