Sunday, September 14, 2008

Doris Jeanette Interviews Karen Brody

Hear Karen Brody author of Birth talk about mothers giving birth the old fashion way. Birth is playing in theaters around the world as part of BOLD, a worldwide arts-based movement inspiring communities to create childbirth choices that work for mothers and children.

Human mothers need to listen to Mother Earth and follow her lead.

Assertiveness Training With Doris Jeanette

Get more information, facts and details about Assertiveness Training from Dr. Jeanette. Find out how it can help you.

Visit Assertiveness Training for more information.

Doris Jeanette Interviews Aery Prabhakar

Assertiveness Training is one of the most effective ways to empower yourself. If you have never taken an Assertiveness Training Class or Assertiveness Workshop look for a good teacher and take her class. You can learn how to express yourself with difficult people and in difficult situations. Aery Prabhakar is a young Indian man who is teaching Assertiveness Training in India.

Visit Assertiveness Training for more information.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Doris Jeanette interviews Edie Weinstein-Moser

Edie Moser teaches you about cuddle parties while Dr. Doris Jeanette asks her questions to make sure they are a safe place for you to receive nourishing and human touch. Listen to learn all about cuddle parities. Edie Moser offers cuddle parties in the Greater Philadelphia area. Visit her website for more information.

Dr. Jeanette recommends human touch as the best medicine for all that ails you! Learn more about touch, emotions and physical love in the free library at

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Karen Wright Author of The Sequoia Seed

Listen to Dr. Jeanette interview Karen Wright, Author of The Sequoia Seed at her free internet radio show on empowerment, Live at the Edge. Do you love trees as much as Doris Jeanette? If so do not buy Kleenex or Puffs because they use virgin trees in Canada to make them. Buy any of the other brands. Search around and you can find brands like CVS that are soft enough for your lovely nose.

Dr. Ramona Rubio a co-author of The Alchemical Woman

Dr. Ramona Rubio a co-author of The Alchemical Woman has interesting comments to offer you about Joseph Campbell's work on Myths. Listen to our lively conversation about Joseph Campbell and how we need to and can create New Myths that are healthy for children and adults today.

Hear on free internet radio Dr. Doris Jeanette interview Dr. Ramona Rubio about Myths and Joseph Campbell.

White Eagle and Grandmother Drum Project

White Eagle is an international spiritual healer, the Director and Drumkeeper for the GrandMother Drum International Peace Project and the Founder and Director of the Whirling Rainbow Foundation in Alaska. Click here to learn about White Eagle and her Grandmother Drum Project.

Click here to listen to Dr. Doris Jeanette interview White Eagle on her free internet radio show, Live at the Edge.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hillary is more progressive than Obama.

Check out this post for the voting records of Hillary and Obama.

Hillary is much more progressive than Obama. Obama is the weakest in human rights and civil rights. A good reason to vote for Hillary is her record on human rights and civil rights.

Psychological Research shows that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. To make a wise choice for your next president study the facts. Hillary’s record is much more progressive than Obama especially in human rights. The actions they have taken in the past will be the same actions they take in the future.

Obama is not assertive and has not taken a stand on any topic.
When he was in the legislature he passed on over 120 bills, indicating an inability to vote for or against important issues. His record on human rights and other progressive issues pales when compared with Hillary’s. He has not attempted to help women, American Americans or children.

Hillary is assertive and has taken a stand for you.
She “stood by her man”, she stood up for specific issues when she was in the Senate and White House. Even her vote for the war was a vote which she believed would protect Americans. She was wrong due to George’s lack of ethics.

Note Hillary’s special efforts to get proper health care for every American. In addition, she has a definite plan for the war exit, the repair of world relationships and the environment. She will look in her Rolodex, call up the heads of state and repair relationships.

Obama did not grow up on the mainland, he does not know what life in the ghetto is like, he does not know what it is like to be poor or female.

Hillary is aware of the reality of children, poor people, minorities and women. She has suffered judgment from others since she worked like a man in the White House instead of being pretty and polite.

Real change would be electing a woman for the first time in the history of the United States of America.

Changing the color of a man is no change what so ever. With Obama we would still have a privileged, rich male ruling the hen house. He is backed by money, big business and words without any past actions to support what he says. The Wall Street Journal reported he wants to subsidize the car industry instead of single mothers. This does not appeal to me!!

I met Hillary in person. She is not on an ego trip, she cares!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Obama Gives Hillary Permission to Stay in the Race!

Obama Says Clinton Should Stay in Race and Sen. Patrick Leahy says it is time for Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race. Come on men, stop telling women what to do.

Sexist male comments keep coming out men's mouths in the media and on the road. The time for men to give a woman permission to do or not do something is over.

Relate to woman as equals. Do not be afraid of us anymore. Elect the most qualified person for the job, Hillary, for President.

Listen to Georgia Jones and Doris Jeanette give you the history and herstory of why American has never had a woman President and why they still have a hard time electing a qualified woman to get the job done.

Celebrity Mental Health with Doris Jeanette

Hear Dr. Doris Jeanette’s take on celebrity mental health. Why people like Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson end up in a celebrity train wreck. How they and you can stay healthy, wealthy and sane and still be highly creative and full of life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Doris Jeanette interviews Rae Quigley

Hear Rae and Dr. Jeanette get down and real again. Rae is a teenager who Dr. Jeanette interviews often to get her viewpoint of important things that happen in the world. Hear a teenager's point of view about the Brittany Spears "Train Wreck"

Find out what it was like for young women to grow up loving Brittany's music and then to see the mental health trouble she got into as a celebrity.

Rae is also the host of her own radio show Audience of One at new

Dr. Doris Jeanette interviews Dr. Beth

Click here to hear Dr. Beth Halbert and Dr. Jeanette tell it like it is. What Britney Spears needed and didn't get! What parents need and don't get. What everyone needs and few get. The mental health issues of celebrities and young women like Britney Spears are discussed with possible solutions to the emotional health train wreck so many famous people get in. For more about vibrant mental health and emotional health visit and sign up for her free newsletter.

Find out more about Dr. Beth at

Doris Jeanette interviews Bruce Pollock

Let Bruce take you on a transformational trip into self actualization. Click here to hear Doris Jeanette and Bruce Pollock talk about why art is important to you and your life. Let them inspire you to look at art and move beyond your ordinary awareness into peak experiences and other states of mind and awareness.

Find out more about Bruce Pollack at

Gina Ogden Interviewed by Doris Jeanette

Author of The Heart and Soul of Sex: Making the ISIS Connection

If you want to learn more about sex and spirit listen to this internet radio show. Gina has conducted surveys about spirit and sex and teaches workshops around the country. Dr. Jeanette has conducted multicultural spirituality and sexuality groups for 30 years and has written a column on Sex and Love. The goal is to get sex and love connected so you have a spiritual experience in love making.

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
licensed psychologist
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Center for Holistic Psychology
Call: 215-732-6197