Check out this post for the voting records of Hillary and Obama.
Hillary is much more progressive than Obama. Obama is the weakest in human rights and civil rights. A good reason to vote for Hillary is her record on human rights and civil rights.
Psychological Research shows that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. To make a wise choice for your next president study the facts. Hillary’s record is much more progressive than Obama especially in human rights. The actions they have taken in the past will be the same actions they take in the future.
Obama is not assertive and has not taken a stand on any topic.
When he was in the legislature he passed on over 120 bills, indicating an inability to vote for or against important issues. His record on human rights and other progressive issues pales when compared with Hillary’s. He has not attempted to help women, American Americans or children.
Hillary is assertive and has taken a stand for you.
She “stood by her man”, she stood up for specific issues when she was in the Senate and White House. Even her vote for the war was a vote which she believed would protect Americans. She was wrong due to George’s lack of ethics.
Note Hillary’s special efforts to get proper health care for every American. In addition, she has a definite plan for the war exit, the repair of world relationships and the environment. She will look in her Rolodex, call up the heads of state and repair relationships.
Obama did not grow up on the mainland, he does not know what life in the ghetto is like, he does not know what it is like to be poor or female.
Hillary is aware of the reality of children, poor people, minorities and women. She has suffered judgment from others since she worked like a man in the White House instead of being pretty and polite.
Real change would be electing a woman for the first time in the history of the United States of America.
Changing the color of a man is no change what so ever. With Obama we would still have a privileged, rich male ruling the hen house. He is backed by money, big business and words without any past actions to support what he says. The Wall Street Journal reported he wants to subsidize the car industry instead of single mothers. This does not appeal to me!!
I met Hillary in person. She is not on an ego trip, she cares!
2025 – Year of the Yin Wood Snake
3 weeks ago
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